Savest offers a series of model portfolios, providing a blueprint that investors can easily replicate in the construction and management of their portfolios, saving time and energy.
Our various model portfolios mirror a spectrum of risk/return objectives.
The variety of investor risk tolerances is reflected in each model’s strategic allocation, individual securities/ETFs selection, portfolio implementation strategies, rebalancing as market dynamics change, and performance reporting/measurement.
Our model portfolios are built and managed by a dynamic investment committee comprising research analysts, advisors, and portfolio managers. Every year, our team of experts identifies well-researched securities for inclusion according to their conviction and their expectations of the future trend of the global capital market.
Each model portfolio adopts a systematic approach to simplify the entire investment management process and create a template that individuals and institutions can adopt in the efficient management of their investable assets according to different risk/return objectives.
Our experts will help you automate investment decisions from portfolio construction, rebalancing, and reporting to fee management.
The portfolio seeks substantial dividend income and long-term capital growth through investment in global equities.
Global Large-Capitalization Equities – 90%
Global Mid-Capitalization Equities – 10%
Structured for individuals who can tolerate some fluctuations in the value of their investments while positioning for some growth potentials. The asset allocation is balanced and diversified across a wide range of global assets which ensures that while accepting some volatility, the portfolio is protected against significant losses. It addresses the following investment goals:
- Income and capital growth from investment
- Medium growth potential
- Medium-term horizon
Global Large Cap Equities: 50.00%
Global Bonds & Treasury Securities: 50.00%
This portfolio is primarily focused on capital appreciation using exposure to high-growth assets such as early-stage businesses and high-growth stocks. Although a growth orientation may offer substantial returns, in a volatile the model rotates investment markets may fluctuate and depress the value of their investments. It addresses the following investment goals:
- Capital growth from investments
- High growth potential
- Long-term horizon
- Long-term goals
Global Equities: 65.00%
Global Bonds & Treasury Securities: 35.00%
A high growth-focused portfolio with input specific to teenage investors with a very long horizon. The portfolio allocation factors inputs such as tuition fees, cost of living, and inflation. The portfolio offers globally-diversified exposure to attractive investment themes with prospects of generating solid alpha.
Global Equities: 85.00%
Global Bonds & Treasury Securities: 15.00%
This portfolio uses an aggressive asset allocation approach that favors equities and high-growth assets which offer excess returns and short-term capital growth. It is particularly suitable for knowledgeable investors who have a sound understanding of financial markets and seek to exploit market inefficiencies to make short-term gains and accumulate capital growth over time.
Although this strategy may follow a diversified strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation may be required to take advantage of short-term market opportunities. This strategy is very high risk and requires a relatively higher amount of trades per year, hence a higher transaction expense ratio.
Global Stocks: 80.00%
Global Bonds & Treasury Securities: 20.00%